Python Weekly (Issue 599 May 11 2023)

Python Weekly - Issue 599

Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 599 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

From Our Sponsor 

Build apps faster with a fully managed PostgreSQL database—no complex setup required. Create tables and fields by using a spreadsheet-like interface. Upload CSVs. And get 5GB of data storage free for one year.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Python is a great language, with a few... exploits. While a lot of implementation details make it easier to work with, they also lead to quirks - quirks which can be exploited for fun (and profit?). Whether it's variables, match statements, type hinting, imports, or even just trying to fit everything on one line, this talk has more than a few slithering tricks up its sleeve.

This article shows how you can run a Python program within another application that uses a Wasm runtime (host) and have the Python program talk to the host and vice versa.

You’re on a new version of Linux, you try a pip install, and it errors out, talking about “externally managed environments” and “PEP 668”. What’s going on? How do you solve this?

The article provides a tutorial on how to deploy a voice-based chatbot using several open-source tools, including BentoML, LangChain, and Gradio. It covers the steps for building and training a chatbot model, integrating it with voice commands, and deploying the model as a web service for real-time interactions with users.

Features missing from most LLM front-ends that should exist.

Modern software can be complex, with many components that depend on each other. It can be hard to manage those dependencies without your project becoming a mess of spaghetti code. This article introduces you to Bevy v2.0, a robust Dependency Injection framework that will help you simplify your Python applications.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Self-hosted AI coding assistant. An opensource / on-prem alternative to GitHub Copilot.

Generate 3D objects conditioned on text or images.

TuneAI or "autoFinetune" is an effortless way to fine tune an OpenAI model based on YouTube or text input. Automating transcript cleaning & prompt-completion pair generation

An all in one solution for adding Temporal Stability to a Stable Diffusion Render via an automatic1111 extension.

LLM training code for MosaicML foundation models.

Exact structure out of any language model completion.

RasaGPT is the first headless LLM chatbot platform built on top of Rasa and Langchain. 

A minimal, yet valid double-entry accounting system in Python.

Your all-in-one Django-Docker starter kit. Pre-configured services including PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, with Nginx and Traefik for production. Streamlined development with included tools for testing and formatting.

Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks.

New Releases

This release includes the following announcements:

  • Jupyter extension no longer installed by default

  • Microvenv support for Create Environment command

  • Automatic conversion of f-strings with Pylance

  • Code navigation enabled on strings that contain module names

Upcoming Events and Webinars

There will be following talks

  • Cutting Through the Hype: Jina AI's Scalable Open-Source Solutions for Multimodal AI

  • LongForm: Improve instruction tuning with corpus examples and generated instructions 

There will be following talks

  • Demystifying AI acceleration

  • Stable Diffusion in practice 

There will be following talks

  • Bayesian A/B Testing - Is it worth it?

  • Thinking outside of the Euclidean Space: Graph Machine Learning with Fastgraphml

There will be following talks

  • Faster, Cheaper, and Greener BigData

  • Taming the open data science stack for the enterprise

There will be a talk, Small Big Data: using NumPy and Pandas when your data doesn't fit in memory.

There will be following talks

  • Open Sourcing AutoML

  • Building online learners with RiverML

  • Cooking up a new search system: Inside recipe search at Cookpad

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