Python Weekly (Issue 535 January 27 2022)

Python Weekly - Issue 535

Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 535 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.


Meta has built data2vec, the first general high-performance self-supervised algorithm for speech, vision, and text. When applied to different modalities, it matches or outperforms the best self-supervised algorithms.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Learn about Computer Vision and Perception for Self Driving Cars. This series focuses on the different tasks that a Self Driving Car Perception unit would be required to do.

You have a large CSV, you’re going to be reading it in to Pandas—but every time you load it, you have to wait for the CSV to load. And that slows down your development feedback loop, and might meaningfully slows down your production processing. In this post, learn the fastest way to read a CSV in to Pandas.

Want to learn how to use Kaldi for Speech Recognition? Check out this simple tutorial to start transcribing audio in minutes.

A minimal example of how you can quickly get Django and Pytest running on every commit to GitHub.

The essential Streamlit for all your data science needs.

Over the past 8 months, I have been developing an entirely new interface for making plots with seaborn. This page demonstrates some of its functionality.

Learn how to make gorgeous maps of anywhere in the world in just a few minutes. Prettymaps is a Python library that takes data from OpenStreetMap and crafts it into great little maps where you have a lot of control over how things are displayed. In this video, we’ll take a look at how to run Prettymaps, how to create circular and square maps, maps of any area defined in OSM, and maps with sets of adjacent areas, such as parts of a town altogether. 

Source maps are files that map your minified CSS or JavaScript back to the original code. They allow you to use your browser’s development tools to debug minified code as if it were the original. Also, some error capture tools, such as Sentry, can use source maps to report errors for the original code. In this post, we’ll look at how source maps fit into Django’s static files infrastructure, including a couple of recent changes I made to Django to better support them. We’ll look at using a JavaScript source map, but everything applies equally to CSS source maps. 

Cal Paterson wrote a great article comparing and describing synchronous and asynchronous Python frameworks and explaining why asynchronous frameworks go a bit wobbly under load. This is a story of how we experienced wobbliness in a recent project.

This post shows you how to use Pandas in Python to analyze Amazon S3 server access logs for a couple of common customer use cases: monitoring a static website and monitoring S3 Lifecycle activity. With the outlined solution, you can simplify yet augment your data monitoring and control at scale to optimize for cost, security, compliance, and more.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

My self-hosting infrastructure, fully automated from empty disk to operating services.

Xpresso is an ASGI web framework built on top of Starlette, Pydantic and di, with heavy inspiration from FastAPI.

Synthetic Data Generation for tabular, relational and time series data.

ShadowClone allows you to distribute your long-running tasks dynamically across thousands of serverless functions and gives you the results within seconds where it would have taken hours to complete.

Pyccolo is a library for declarative instrumentation in Python; i.e., it lets you specify the what of the instrumentation you wish to perform, and takes care of the how for you. 

Open source Kubernetes-native API gateway for microservices built on the Envoy Proxy.

Fast Forward Computer Vision: train models at a fraction of the cost with accelerated data loading!

Query data on the command line with SQL-like SELECTs powered by Python expressions.

mmdb-server is an open source fast API server to lookup IP addresses for their geographic location.

JavaScript Fuzzing framework for v8. The majority of the code is written in Python with a small amount of functions implemented in native C code. 

Upcoming Events and Webinars

There will be a talk, Generative adversarial networks and their applications using PyTorch.

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