Python Weekly (Issue 499 May 13 2021)

Python Weekly - Issue 499

Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 499 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

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We’re looking for talks on everything Python, open source, and tech-related. If it would be of interest to someone, anyone, in the Python community, it’s of interest to us!

This PEP proposes using a specializing, adaptive interpreter that specializes code aggressively, but over a very small region, and is able to adjust to mis-specialization rapidly and at low cost. Adding a specializing, adaptive interpreter to CPython will bring significant performance improvements. 

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

In this Kivy tutorial, you will learn to create games and applications with Python for every platform (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android).

Learn how to create a solar-powered cryptocurrency "mining rig" with cloud-based reporting on a Raspberry Pi using a PiJuice and Notecard.

This post covers the advanced topics related to sequence slicing, from (negative) steps to implementing slices for your own custom objects.

Explore some of the underutilized but still useful Python features.

Get a deep understanding of VSCode and the Docker Extension with Brandon Waterloo where he builds a basic Python FastAPI app with a Redis backend and a simple hit counter, adding Docker files in order to containerize it. 

A common way to receive data in a web application is with a webhook. The external system pushes data to yours with an HTTP request. Correctly receiving and processing webhook data can be vital to your application working. In this post we’ll create a Django view to receive incoming webhook data.

Pyston returns to open source, Facebook releases Cinder, or should devs just use PyPy?

This Series is going to include all the information you need to develop testing projects and bot projects, using the Selenium framework.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Graphsignal is an observability platform for monitoring and troubleshooting production machine learning applications.

Elara DB is an easy to use, lightweight NoSQL database written for python that can also be used as a fast in-memory cache. Includes various methods to manipulate data structures in-memory, secure database files and export data.

A high-level app and dashboarding solution for Python.

A CLI that provides a generic automation layer for assessing the security of ML models.

Euporie is a text-based user interface for running and editing Jupyter notebooks.

Find dead Python code.

Shell scripts made simple.

Coarse-grained lineage and tracing for machine learning pipelines.

A powerful, simple, and async security library for Sanic.

AWSsert is a Python library providing declarative assertions about AWS resources to your tests.

Python Data Collection Library.

A dataflow based workflow framework.

A sketch extractor for anime/illustration.

New Releases

This represents two years of work by the Pallets team and community, there are a significant number of changes and exciting new features. Check out the logs for every project to see what's new. Flask depends on the five other libraries, be sure to read them all if you're upgrading Flask.

Pylance is now the default language server for Python and is bundled with the core Python extension as an optional extension starting with this release. Other notable updates are that we now have faster extension startup time and a new debugger feature: live reload for Python scripts.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

There will be following talks

  • Idiomatic Pandas: 5 best-practices for pandas 

  • Data Hut: A directory of data science / data engineering libraries

There will be a talk, An introduction to Web Scraping with Python and Azure Functions.

There will be a talk, Adding structure to a sea of chaos: a principled approach to authorization using Python + SQLAlchemy.

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