Python Weekly (Issue 439 March 5 2020)

Python Weekly - Issue 439

Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 439 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

From Our Sponsor 

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Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Learn how to use TensorFlow 2.0 in this full tutorial course for beginners. This course is designed for Python programmers looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in machine learning and artificial intelligence. 

For Mathematics, trees are more useful than strings. Professor Thorsten Altenkirch takes us through a functional approach to coding them in Python.

In this post, we apply machine learning algorithms on YouTube data, to make recommendations on how to get more views. We will include the end-to-end process of Scraping the YouTube data, Using NLP on the video titles, Feature engineering, Building predictive decision trees And more.

From bank fraud to preventative machine maintenance, anomaly detection is an incredibly useful and common application of machine learning. The isolation forest algorithm is a simple yet powerful choice to accomplish this task. In this article we'll cover: An Introduction to Anomaly Detection, Use Cases of Anomaly Detection, What Is Isolation Forest?, Using Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection and Implementation in Python.

A series of Django lessons which describe how to deploy a django application in great detail.

This post shows how to implement a Naive Bayes machine learning classifier in Python; starting with a basic implementation, and then improving it.

This post shares with you how you can set up GitHub Actions workflows in your Python project to make sure that the code you write is elegant, aligned with all best practices and it’s well tested.

Every project - regardless of whether you are working on web app, some data science or AI - can benefit from well configured CI/CD, Docker images that are both debuggable in development and optimized for production environment or few extra code quality tools, like CodeClimate or SonarCloud. All these are things we will go over in this article and we will see how those can be added to your Python project!

Building a Backup WhatsApp Chatbot With Python, Flask, Dropbox and Twilio.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Keyboard Listener is a module that allows you to create custom hotkeys (combinations) or custom keywords and bind them to custom functions in Python

FuzzBench is a free service that evaluates fuzzers on a wide variety of real-world benchmarks, at Google scale. The goal of FuzzBench is to make it painless to rigorously evaluate fuzzing research and make fuzzing research easier for the community to adopt.

A flexible network data analysis framework.

A python library for intuitively creating CUI/TUI interfaces with widgets, inspired by gocui. 

Health checks for your documentation links.

Django-schema-graph makes a colourful diagram out of your Django models. The diagram is interactive, and makes it easy to toggle models and apps on/off at will.

A PyTorch-based knowledge distillation toolkit for natural language processing.

An Asyncio based task queue that is designed to be super easy the use!

PuzzleLib is a high level Deep Learning framework with CPU (Intel/AMD) and GPU (NVIDIA/AMD) support.

Automatic CTF Challenge Solver in Python3.

A simple, Qt-Webengine powered web browser with built in functionality for testing scrapy spider code.

Software that can both auto or manually detect circles/spherical objects in images and provides the diameter distribution (D10, D50, D90).

New Releases

Upcoming Events and Webinars

There will be following talks

  • PyTest: The Awesome Parts

  • Level Up Your Python Code Reviews

  • Understanding Binary search

  • Being committed to GitHub

  • Deploying Python 3 to the Homes of Children Everywhere (on macOS)

There will be following talks

  • Using the asyncio library in Python 3

  • A Pythonic guide to SOLID Design Principles

There will be following talks

  • Big Data Genomic Project Seeks Python Packaging Help

  • Crop placement using linear programming optimization with Pyomo

  • Converting images to text using the Google Cloud Vision API

Candid Partners will be presenting on how they use Kafka and cloud computing to automate data and governance processes for clients.

IBM will present a workshop on Bias in Machine Learning (and how to remove it!).

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