Python Weekly (Issue 433 January 23 2020)

Python Weekly - Issue 433

Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 433 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

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Djangonauts from in and around Denmark are meeting up for the second edition of Django Day, to be held on April 17th 2020. CFP is open and we are looking for 25 minute talks, 40 minute talks and 5 minute lightning talks (can be submitted on the day).

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Libpython-clj is a library that allows you to use python libraries from the clojure repl. We will dig through the nuts and bolts that make the library tick and talk about some of the potential ramifications of the design decisions building it.

QQ Music is a music streaming service owned by the Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME) and we serve 800M+ users globally. We have a massive music library with an extensive collection of albums and live music available in both audio and video formats. Building upon TensorFlow, we are able to effectively manage the music library by implementing many machine learning algorithms for automatic music tagging, music evaluation, voice separation, music defect detection and restoration, and so on. In this article, we’d like to share with you how we have built such an AI-empowered music library and our experience of using TensorFlow.

When you deal with external binary data in Python, there are a couple of ways to get that data into a data structure. You can use the ctypes module to define the data structure or you can use the struct python module. You will see both methods used when you explore tool repositories on the web. This article shows you how to use each one to read an IPv4 header off the network.

The MechaFlounder was a backdoor attack linked to Iranian threat actors who targeted Turkish entities. Similar Python-based backdoor attacks have managed to evade traditional network security defenses and propagate inside their target environments. Learn about Python-based backdoor attacks and why protection based on software-identity verification (zero trust security) can stop such attacks.

This article is not just about Machine Learning and Object Detection, it’s about Elixir interoperability and how we can take advantage of the Python’s fantastic set of ML libraries, bringing their features into the Elixir world.

How does a Django site know where to send requests? You have to tell it! In this next article in the Understand Django series, we look at URLs and how to let your users get to the right place.

Learn how Dell and Domino created a refreshingly simple approach to help companies get their data science teams and the technologies they need up and running faster, with an easy path to scale.

SPONSORIntro to anomaly detection with OpenCV, Computer Vision, and scikit-learnIn this tutorial, you will learn how to perform anomaly/novelty detection in image datasets using OpenCV, Computer Vision, and the scikit-learn machine learning library.Automate Boring Tasks With Your Own Functions Automating tasks with Python is easy. Once you have a script that works, turn it into a function that will help you code more efficiently!Drawing with AntsGenerative Art with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms.Parens for Pyplotlibpython-clj has opened the door for Clojure to directly interop with Python libraries. That means we can take just about any Python library and directly use it in our Clojure REPL. But what about matplotlib? Matplotlib.pyplot is a standard fixture in most tutorials and python data science code. How do we interop with a python graphics library?Measure Code Execution Time Accurately in PythonMeasuring code execution times is hard. Learn how to eliminate systematic and random measurement errors and obtain more reliable results.Codemodding Python: unittest asserts to Python asserts Large codebases require continued maintenance, but it is time-consuming and cumbersome to change portions of code scattered around many files. This article shows how to write codemods to refactor Python code using its Abstract Syntax Tree — gaining far more granular control than basic regex and and CPythonMisusing Python’s open and the interaction of CPython’s GC and UNIX semantics can lead to unexpected results!Let’s build a file encrypter with PythonPython Dependency Injection with flask-injector Make Django Tests Always Rebuild the Database if It ExistsGandiva, using LLVM and Arrow to JIT and evaluate Pandas expressionsHaving some fun with PythonInteresting Projects, Tools and LibrariesActionAIActionAI is a python library for training machine learning models to classify human action.DDSPDDSP is a library of differentiable versions of common DSP functions (such as synthesizers, waveshapers, and filters). This allows these interpretable elements to be used as part of an deep learning model, especially as the output layers for audio generation.FlytekitLibrary for easily authoring, testing, deploying, and interacting with Flyte tasks, workflows, and launch plans.RichRich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.JustCause A framework to foster good scientific practice in the research of causality methods.reformer-pytorchReformer, the Efficient Transformer, in Pytorch.gpt2botYour new Telegram buddy trained on Reddit discussions using DialoGPT.django-migration-linterDetect backward incompatible migrations for your django project.pytorch-metric-learningThe easiest way to use metric learning in your application. Modular, flexible, and extensible. Written in PyTorch. Fliks.XYZSimple Flask app to search movies/tv shows across on-demand services.Upcoming Events and WebinarsNew York Python Meetup Talk Night January 2020 - New York, NYCThere will be following talks

  • CPython Internals - Memory Management

  • How to make a superhero using Densepose

  • It's 2020, your Python 2.7 app is officially a problem

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Improving Law Interpretability with NLP 

  • Data Visualization with Altair 

  • PyWats


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