Python Weekly (Issue 422 November 7 2019)

Python Weekly - Issue 422

Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 422 of Python Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

From Our Sponsor 

Optimize your Python applications with Datadog. Use flame graphs to trace asynchronous requests across service boundaries and identify possible errors. Plus, correlate with relevant logs and metrics—without switching tools.


Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) are a relatively new formalism for describing grammars suitable for automatically generating efficient parsers. I've become interested in using a PEG-generated parser as an alternative to CPython's nearly 30 year old "pgen" parser generator. This poses some interesting problems. I've also come up with a neat way of visualizing the parsing process, which is helpful for debugging both the grammar and the parsing machinery, and which I'll use to explain the PEG parsing process in general.

A public service announcement about the dangers of utcnow and utcfromtimestamp and the benefits of using their replacements.

Token based authentication allows the server and the frontend (whether that be web, native mobile or something else) to be decoupled and reside on different domains. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is a popular implementation of token based authentication, and in this article we’ll use it to autehnticate users in an API for notes built with Django REST Framework.

Learn Python in this full tutorial course for beginners. This course takes a project-based approach. We have collected five great Python game tutorials together so you can learn Python while building five games. If you learn best by doing, this is the course for you.

Setting up GitHub Actions for a modern Django project.

How to use Spectrograms and GANs to convert Jazz to Classical Music.

Become a master of times and dates in Python as you work with the datetime and calender modules in this data science tutorial.

mypy assisted error handling, exception mechanisms in other languages, fun with pattern matching and type variance.

This post explains what python -m pip is and why you should be using it when you run pip.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to train your own traffic sign classifier/recognizer capable of obtaining over 95% accuracy using Keras and Deep Learning.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Spleeter is the Deezer source separation library with pretrained models written in Python and uses Tensorflow. It makes it easy to train source separation model (assuming you have a dataset of isolated sources), and provides already trained state of the art model for performing various flavour of separation.

inbac is an interactive batch cropper made for quick cropping of images.

It is a zero configuration fire-and-forget execution agent, which combined with trains-server provides a full AI cluster solution.

Holiday Gift Exchange Picker.

Expose Django JSONField data as virtual model fields.

Flask extension to help make your static files production ready by md5 tagging and gzipping them.

cvxpylayers is a Python library for constructing differentiable convex optimization layers in PyTorch and TensorFlow using CVXPY.

New Releases

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Get a whirlwind tour of the cpython 3.9 interpreter source code as we follow some python code from the familiar human-readable syntax to the interpreter's evaluation of the resulting bytecode.

There will be following talks

  • How Do Algorithms Become Biased? 

  • Taking Python Serverless: Using Zappa to deploy webapps without infrastructure

  • What's new in Tensorflow 2.0

  • Python's Best AI Packages 

Jessica Garson, a Developer Advocate at Twitter, will be showing us how she used Python to solve her NYC parking problem.

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