Python Weekly (Issue 400 June 6 2019)

Python Weekly - Issue 400

Python Weekly

Welcome to issue 400 of Python Weekly. I am exploring an idea of a 

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Vettery is an online hiring marketplace that specializes in developer roles and is completely free for job seekers. Interested? Submit your profile, and if accepted, you can receive interview requests directly from top companies seeking Python devs.


Your contributions will help fund workshops, conferences, pay meetup fees, support fiscal sponsorships, PyCon financial aid, and development sprints. We can't do our work without the financial help of sponsoring companies and the community at large.

The call for proposals is now open for IndyPy Web Conf - Python on the Web.  This conference will include 21 speakers and 3 tracks of presentations. 

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

A simple walkthrough of deriving backpropagation for CNNs and implementing it from scratch in Python.

Highlights of new Python 3 features and backward incompatibilities. Also, demonstrate how to migrate projects from Python 2 to Python 3.

Since the acquisition of Travis CI, the future of their free offering is unclear. Azure Pipelines has a generous free tier, but the examples I found are discouragingly complex and take advantage of features like templating that most projects don’t need. To close that gap, this article shows you how to move a Python project with simple CI needs from Travis CI to Azure Pipelines.

As a machine learning engineer and computer vision expert, I find myself creating APIs and even web apps with Flask surprisingly often. In this post, I want to share some tips and useful recipes for building a complete production-ready Flask application

A simple Luigi data pipeline.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform fine-tuning using Keras and Deep Learning for image classification."

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Debugging, monitoring and visualization for Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning from Microsoft Research.

A Python library for building robust production-ready data and analytics pipelines.

Probabilistic Time Series Modeling in Python.

A collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips for TensorFlow and PyTorch in Jupyter Notebooks.

Solve sudokus from video in real time with computer vision and neural networks. You can see


Embed data payloads inside of ordinary images or video with high-performance 2-D barcodes.

A Tetris implementation that "fits on a business card" (30 lines x 80 characters)

Official Pytorch implementation of CutMix regularizer.

This repository contains Keras reimplementation of EfficientNet, the new convolutional neural network architecture from EfficientNet.

Gather sensitive information from (.idea) folder for pentesters.

New Releases

This is the last release to support Python 2.7. The next release will only support Python 3.5+. This is also the first release with Kivy wheels for Linux (3.5+ only, Windows and macOS already have wheels).

Upcoming Events and Webinars

There will be following talks 

  • An easy way to locally test AWS Lambda functions

  • Introduction to NATS Messaging with Python3

  • Intro Into Google Cloud Functions

There will be following talks

  • A Tour of Image Recognition APIs

  • From Accounting to Data Science: It's Never Too Late to Change Paths

  • Human + AI: The Path Forward

There will be following talks

  • Start Up Idea Validation Using an Open Source, Python/Django Application

  • What's coming up with Python 3.8, Part 1

  • Do-It-Yourself Interactive Data Viz: Starting Simple (and keeping it that way)

  • Generating Artwork with Neural Networks

There will be following talks

  • User-friendly way to configure i3status using py3status

  • Managing Time like a Time Lord: It's bigger on the inside

There will be a talk, Use Jupyter, Binder, and Rise to Create Your Next Slide Show.

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