Get Your Weekly Dose of Python
Welcome to issue 10 of Python Weekly. Enjoy this week's links and if you celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving!


The new major release adds support for coding in Cython, allows to use Mako and Jinja2 templates in your projects, enables you to check the test coverage of your code, allows opening multiple projects in one window, introduces JavaScript debugger, support for new and hot CoffeeScript language and many other big and small changes.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Python Sprinkler project

The PySprinklers project is a homebrew intelligent sprinkler system designed to conserve water by not running the sprinklers if it had rained.

How To Build an Interactive Map with Open-Source Tools

This post shows you how to build interactive map using Python and MySQL to handle the data right down to JavaScript to display the map. 

This is the second in a series of posts, focusing on issues around open sourcing your Django site and data privacy in Django.
This tutorial shows how to run Pyramid application on Google's App Engine
This article shows you how to create a Microsoft Excel-style web application with multiple data sheets using jQuery's UI, SlickGrid, and Django as a back-end controller.
This article demonstrates how to implement several code metrics in Xcode. And it shows how a typical OS X and iOS project fare against these metrics.
This post shows you how to setup Celery and Celerybeat using MongoDB as the broker.
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

BitNami DjangoStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of Django applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Python and Django and required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native installer, as a virtual machine or in the cloud. 
Chartit is a Django app that can be used to easily create charts directly from the Django models
pickleDB is a lightweight and simple key-value store. It is built upon Python's json module and was inspired by redis.
This is a hook for adding Open Authentication support to Python-requests HTTP library.
It is a small and highly customizable twin-panel file manager written in Python.
Simple and powerful testing with Python
It is a lightweight, resuable Django app that displays statistics about your currently running memcached instances.
A thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python
New Releases

The 1.7 release of PyPy brings a lot of bugfixes and performance improvements over the 1.6 release. However, unlike the previous releases, the focus has been on widening the "sweet spot" of PyPy. That is, classes of Python code that PyPy can greatly speed up should be vastly improved with this release.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Come work on Python projects, get programming help, help others, and hang out. Bring your own project or work on one of the suggested projects below.
This class is intended for those who have either never programmed before or are looking for a bit of a push to start learning Python. 

Python Jobs of the Week

We are looking for a top class developer who loves the intensity and fluidity of a startup. You must have the confidence to take a feature concept, develop it and deliver it from top to bottom.We are Big Data crossed with Lean Startup. 
We are looking for a Senior Software Architect with a wide responsibility across a large Python codebase to enable future innovation and increase speed through the selection, leverage, and incorporation of technologies into a cutting edge Cloud and NoSQL system.
Get Your Weekly Dose of Python